The information you provide will be shared with a small group of College staff from the Student Experience and Human Resources areas to assess how best the College can respond. The content of the form will be accessible only to a very limited group of staff. Information regarding staff will be directed to HR Managers for an appropriate response. 
Support for Staff

  • Human Resources: You may wish to contact a member of the HR team for confidential help, support and advice. Contact details for the team can be found by clicking on this link - Human Resources. The HR team can also discuss an Occupational Health referral if appropriate. 
  • Management support:  Consider approaching your line manager (unless the matter directly relates to them) or the next level of management. 
  • PAM Assist-Employee Assistance Programme: This service helps individuals by providing emotional support through telephone and face to face counselling, as well as providing information and access to specialist advice through the PAM Assist website. Staff can contact PAM Assist directly, or HR can make a referral on their behalf. 
  • Wellbeing Resources: Information on all staff Wellbeing resources and contact details for the College Staff Wellbeing Team can be found on the MyConnect Wellbeing pages
  • Health and Safety Concerns: For any concerns around the health and safety of an individual within the College premises (e.g., hazards, risk assessments) advice can be provided by the Health & Safety team. Further information can be found here.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened