The information you provide will be shared with a small group of college staff from Student Experience and Human Resources. They will assess how best to respond. Only a very limited group of staff will have access to this information. Details about staff will be directed to HR Managers for an appropriate response.
 Support for Staff

  • Human Resources. Contact the HR team for confidential help, support and advice. Contact details are available here. The HR team can also discuss an Occupational Health referral if appropriate. 

  • Management Support. Consider approaching your line manager (unless the matter directly relates to them), or the next level of management.

  • PAM Assist - Employee Assistance Programme. This service provides emotional support through telephone and face-to-face counselling, and access to specialist advice via the PAM Assist website. Staff can contact PAM Assist directly, or HR can make a referral on their behalf. 

  • Wellbeing Resources. Information on support for staff wellbeing can be found on My Connect Health and Wellbeing. You can contact the Wellbeing Team directly via email or make an in-person appointment. More information here

  • Health & Safety. For concerns about health and safety within the College premises (e.g., hazards, risk assessments etc), advice is available from the Health & Safety team. More information can be found here


There are two ways you can tell us what happened